Modernising Your Swift Capability – Channel Island Event: 12/03/2024 – 13/03/2024

Modernising your Swift Capability

Join us for two unmissable events! We’re partnering with industry leaders Swift, DiXiO, Aqua Global, and Vega Technology Group on March 12th and 13th in the Channel Islands.

This event will explore the latest technologies and cloud services that will automate and streamline your Swift capabilities. If you are considering Swift or need to make changes, don’t miss this unique opportunity.

Click below to register for your free spot and gain valuable knowledge of the latest advancements in financial software.

For further information don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today

Modernising Your Swift Capability

Companies: Swift, Aqua Global, DiXiO, Recarta and in participation with Vega Technology

Location: Royal Yacht – Jersey

Date: 12th March 2024

If you are looking to automate and streamline your existing or planned swift infrastructure in the cloud, then this is a must event!

12.00pm: Arrival Lunch
12:25pm: Introduction
12.30pm: Swift introducing “Swift Essentials”
12.50pm: DiXiO introducing their Swift cloud connectivity and managed service
13.10pm: Aqua Global – Swift automation, core system integration and booking, reconciliations, matching & reporting
13.30pm: Recarta to present their cloud managed services
13.50pm: Networking
14:30pm: Close

Modernising Your Swift Capability

Companies: Swift, Aqua Global, DiXiO, Recarta and in participation with Vega Technology

Location: Duke of Richmond – Guernsey

Date: 13th March 2024

If you are looking to automate and streamline your existing or planned swift infrastructure in the cloud, then this is a must event!

8.00am: Arrival
8.25am: Introduction
8.30am: Swift introducing “Swift Essentials”
8.50am: DiXiO introducing their Swift cloud connectivity and managed service
9.10am: Aqua Global – Swift automation, core system integration and booking, reconciliations, matching & reporting
9.30am: Recarta to present their cloud managed services
9.50am: Networking and breakfast
11:00am: Close

Enquire now

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.