Prepare yourselves for another project, because as of September 29, 2015, Vision Solutions Inc. will stop producing service packs and fixes for the MIMIX Availability 7.1 release as well as MIMIX Global 7.1. They have sent this notice now to give everyone time to plan for an upgrade to MIMIX 8.0, which was announced available from September 9th, 2014. This new release includes features and enhancements which we believe will add significant value for our clients.
For more information on the latest release, please contact the sales team.
For reference – Vision Solutions clients who are still running older versions of MIMIX should be reminded of End of Service Pack delivery dates for the following releases:
- MIMIX Availability v7.1 on September 29, 2015
- MIMIX Availability v7.0 on April 2, 2013
- MIMIX v6.0 on November 1, 2011
- MIMIX v5.0 on May 1, 2010
- MIMIX v4.4 on March 31, 2009