Shifting from Cybersecurity to Cyber Resilience
Cyber threats are a constant and rapidly growing obstacle. You’ve may have taken measures to detect and prevent attacks but still the possibility remains that an attacker could get through your defenses.
The IBM FlashSystem® Cyber Vault solution is designed to help accelerate cyberattack detection and recovery. IBM FlashSystem can deliver performance, cost efficiency, high availability, and consistent enterprise-class data services across hybrid cloud environments.
Change your mindset from prevention to incident preparation!
Reduce the risk of ransomware. Watch this animated journey of how IBM solutions work together to prevent and remediate threats using IBM Security items along with IBM SafeGuarded Copy on IBM FlashSystems with immutable snapshots.
Implement storage solutions with built-in cyber resilience to safeguard critical data assets and be able to quickly respond to and recover from ransomware and other cyberattacks. Check out the white paper from ESG and learn how Recarta IT Limited and IBM Storage can help your organization.
The financial impact of cyberattacks continues to rise. Learn through this solution brief how deploying IBM FlashSystem storage and Safeguarded Copy with IBM Security QRadar can enhance threat detection capabilities