IBM Power continues a revival that is driven by both existing and an increasing number of new ISV applications. The real cost of development and support is directly reflected in all companies bottom line and this has resulted in an increase in the use of the IBM iSeries and IBM pSeries on Power 7+.
All customer executives are concerned about is a safe and secure deployment of the functionality of a new application. Nevertheless, this can mean customers having to make decisions on deploying what is for them new technology and this increasingly is pointing to a “Cloud” implementation.
Recarta IT is in the vanguard of this movement working closely with a number of iSeries ISVs such as Temenos, IBS, and Manhattan who are actively developing new software or new functions into existing software products. It’s worth quickly mentioning that despite the “knockers” there is nothing back-technology about the iSeries – it readily handles the integration of other emerging specialist technologies (cameras, RFID, handhelds, mobile, whatever) with ease.
Recarta’s iSeries offerings based in a Tier 3 Data Centre in Cockfosters, North London, can cover all situations. Recarta can cater for the relatively small implementation through to one that can be as large as anyone might want.
Expert technical support in a high quality IT environment, excellent monitoring covering all aspects of communications, delivers assured and reliable operations in the most affordable way.