Following the announcement that IBM and Lenovo have entered into a definitive agreement in which Lenovo acquired IBM’s x86 server business I thought I would share some information below about what is happening with your hardware maintenance agreements;
- ServicePacs will be rebranded to Lenovo Services – Same team, same portfolio, same tools and processes under the Lenovo brand.
- ServiceSuite contracts and renewals for inscope products will be transferred to Lenovo.
- General availability of Lenovo contracts starting January 1st 2015!
- All administrative processes to fulfil and manage contracts and inventory will remain with IBM under Lenovo control.
Service Delivery / Client Experience
- Hardware Delivery remains IBM responsibility for 5 years – same call numbers, same tools, same people.
- Authorised Warranty Service provider (AWSP) program ownership moves from IBM to Lenovo – same team, tools, processes.
- Software Support Delivery and Storage remains IBM responsibility – same call numbers, same tools, same people
List of available Lenovo Services part numbers can be found at this website ( x86 Part Number List available at Lenovo)
Important Dates: The last date to order IBM ServicePacs is 30th Dec.
If you require any further information on the please contact me on 01306 646669 or email me at