Make a booking on any of the below Juniper training courses in February and receive another place free of charge*!!
JUN_IJOS – Introduction to the Junos Operating System
JUN_JRE – Junos Routing Essentials
JUN_JSEC – Junos Security
JUN_AJSEC – Advanced Junos Security
JUN_JUTM – Juniper Unified Threat Management
JUN_JIR – Junos Intermediate Routing
JUN_CJFV – Configuring Juniper Networks Firewall/IPSec VPN Products
JUN_JPSA – Junos Pulse Secure Access
JUN_JIPS – Intrusion Prevention System Functionality
NB: Not to be used in conjunction with any other promotion or discount scheme. Subject to availability. Bookings must be made direct with Recarta IT and both courses must be confirmed by 31st of January and attended in February 2014.
For further information on pricing and availability please call me on 01306 646669 or send me an email on