What is IBM FLiP?

FLiP – The Flash IBM i Performance Assessment Tool

IBM have finalised the development of a brand new performance assessment tool; FLiP (Flash i Performance).

FLiP Features:

  • Analyse data from your IBM i instance and quickly, automatically and graphically
  • Ability to assess what the tangible performance increase would be if the IBM i instance was attached to an IBM FlashSystem
  • Help you identify the jobs that could potentially take benefit from IBM FlashSystem© technology in order to improve their runtime performance.
  • Automatically shows you, within a few seconds, how much the IBM i instance workloads can benefit in regards to batch run length reduction (shorter I/O-time) and server-CPU utilisation increase.

IBM has been enabling its Business Partners who are now “FLiP-apostels”. We have the keys to this tool and will be happy to present it to any IBM i clients, user groups and more.

Contact us on 0844 800 7821 or email sales@recarta.co.uk


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