Ask anyone experienced about an application server migration and you’ll be greeted with notions of dread. For those who have experienced such projects will promptly roll up their sleeves and describe to you the scares of migrating custom code developed over years of use within RPG and COBOL applications. There is no easy way of putting this. Application server migrations are costly ,need meticulous understand of the current environment and military style planning of any migration or upgrade. In short, the server application road is full of mines, unknown pitfalls and all round general horribleness known only to those who have walked its fearful path.
The good news is that their are tools that can reduce the risks associated with and IBMi or AS400 migrations. One such tool is X-Analysis from Fresche Solutions. X-analysis gives anyone tasked with an IBMi upgrade or migration an accurate view of historic customization to code enabling the business to see exactly what objects in a data base require migration planning. Not only can the tool reveal customer code, often built over years of use, it can also allow you to view the data base relationships and how any customised code could impact your migration or upgrade. This feature makes the process of migration transparent from the very beginning enabling the business to see the true impact of a migration or upgrade and how it would affect other areas.
Fresche Solutions publish it’s findings in non technical speak, enabling business analysts to understand the true impact of a migration or upgrade with the need to involve technical staff.
Upgrading and IBMi or AS400 server environment can be daunting if the environment it’s supporting is a business critical application that has been shaped over the years. Using Fresche Solutions could provide you with an accurate view of any Migration or Upgrade risk so your technical team can establish and plan way’s in which customisation can be replicated without the need to suffer down time.
If you are looking to migrate or upgrade your IBMi or AS400 application server and would like to talk to experienced experts, please contact us today for a free and impartial initial discussion.